Sunday, 12 January 2014


Fear is an instinct. It advises us about a possible hazard -as indentified as unknown- and alert to all our senses. It makes us to face as fast and appropriate as possible depending on the situation, assuring -or trying at least- our survival.
It is a direct inheritance from our ancestors who needed fear to escape from predators and thereby guaranteeing the survival of the species.
Fear is necessary, useful, if you know how to manage it and face the danger to make it disappear or minimize as much as you can.  It is not a weakness but strength, as a shield for a warrior to avoid him being fatally wounded. Simply that animal which does not fear anything, which does not recognise any threat, is easier to catch. The lack of fear exposes ourselves to the danger, making it lethal sometimes. The one who knows the danger and knows how to measure it has the key to beat or avoid it.
However, something as useful as that can turn against you when you do not know how to manage it, when it dominates you, when instead helping you it blocks you, paralyses you and condemns you...

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